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Hiroshi Maeso

A high-profile lawyer. Brought out a book "Bengoshi wa BAR ni iru" (Lawyer is at BAR)  in 2017 November.

He was born in 1974 and is a Waseda University graduate.
Established TOMA Law Firm in 2016.
He mostly advises clients from small and medium-sized enterprises, topics ranging from general issues to dispute resolution.
Covers all Corporate laws in general and specializes in the copyrights and trademark rights of the Internet, Entertainment business-related legal matters.
Likes to try out various foods and drinks, bring back liquor as a souvenir for himself, travel, do triathlon.He has recently published a book in Nov. 2017.

『そのブログ!「法律違反」です 知らなかったではすまない知的財産権のルール』 (ソフトバンククリエイティブ)
『実務入門 基本からよくわかる知的財産権』(JMAM)

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